• Love Kotiya

When I was in Delhi in 2022, I became aware of Love Kotiya, a 17 year old ballet dancer who is raising funds to attend the English National Ballet School in London.

After training in ballet for only 2 years, Love was accepted and fast tracked into the English National Ballet School based on talent alone. He now needs help to pay the tuition and cost of living, without which he will be unable to attend. Even with his partial scholarship, these fees are far out of reach for him and his family.

Love and I made these photographs together as a way to open his campaign up to a wider audience and hopefully help reach his fundraising goal.
I’ve personally seen him train at @ifbcstudios studying under @fernandoaguileraoriginal and I’m blown away with his dedication, talent, and softspoken optimism. Spending a lifetime dedicated to what you love is a beautiful thing, and should not be reserved only for the lucky few who can pay to play.

Please consider donating directly to his fundraising efforts and giving Love a chance to share his gift.

Tags: 2022 Projects